As a fitness trainer you’ll spend the majority of your time alone

 Many people feel motivated to get fit after watching or participating in workout videos, reading articles, or hearing stories from others who have successfully lost weight or improved their health through fitness. Motivation often comes from within, as you might wake up every day motivated to do your best.

You may also be motivated by peer pressure, the desire to be recognized for your efforts, or a sense of duty. You might want to show off your new fitness gear, or compete with your friends in a fitness club.


What You Need to Know


If you don’t know how to teach exercise, you can usually

find training classes in your neighborhood or online. Look for classes taught by certified fitness trainers, or by former professional fitness athletes.

Most classes will have exercise forms and charts to help you get started. Before starting a workout program, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor to determine if you have any medical conditions that might make you unable to exercise.


Individuals with disabilities may find it useful to attend some classes with qualified fitness instructors. Most fitness centers have activities for the disabled, as do many gyms.


Setting Limits


Just like with any type of exercise, intensity is key to having an effective workout. You don’t want to be doing sit-ups, pushups, and planks for the entire duration of your workout, but you also don’t want to be doing anything at all, either.

The key here is moderation. You don’t want to be doing so many exercises that you end up hurting yourself. Instead, you want to choose exercises that you can do for about 3 to 5 minutes at a time and then switch to another one.


You may notice that some clients are more interested in using machines or using more machines than others. This is perfectly normal. Some clients enjoy using machines more than others and finding out why can help you create a program that works best for your clients.


Bottom Line


As a fitness trainer, you’ll spend the majority of your time alone or with a few other people. You’ll spend your off-days in the studio, on the field, or at a pool.

Exercising can be very rewarding, but it’s also important to remember that exercise does not make you fat. If you’re not losing weight, you’re not working out hard enough, or you have other medical conditions, then cutting down on exercise may be the solution.


But remember, physical activity doesn’t have to be boring or torture. It can be something as simple as walking to the store or taking the stairs instead of an elevator when you can walk, or taking your daily breaks when you’re doing exercises such as doing planks.


Keep in mind that fitness does not have to be expensive. You can find classes in parks, libraries, and the grocery store. If you can fit it into your busy schedule, the payoff can be huge.


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